
Please note that all products presented on this website are food or dietary supplements intended to supplement the normal diet with nutrients or other vital substances that may have a nutritional or physiological effect. The content on this website is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

You should not use the information on this site for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or as a substitute for medication or other treatment prescribed by your physician or healthcare provider. We strongly recommend that you consult with a physician or healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise, or supplementation program, before taking any medication or food supplement, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem.

Please be aware that food supplements are not a replacement for a varied and balanced food intake and a healthy lifestyle. The recommended daily dose of a food supplement does not have any side effects in healthy adults. However, if you suffer from an illness, you should discuss the use of a food supplement with a doctor. Food supplements should always be stored out of reach of small children.

We want to make it clear that Nutrigrams is not responsible for any statements, claims, or directions of use that various manufacturers make about their products. Additionally, we cannot be held responsible for side effects or health damages that may occur from the use of products offered on this website.

It's also important to note that in some jurisdictions, some of these substances may be considered prescription drugs, controlled, or contraband substances. Since the information published on this website is accessible to anyone throughout the world, we do not provide legal advice that may apply to any particular consumer. Consumers are cautioned to check with local, regional legal counsel and/or healthcare professionals before making any purchases on the Nutrigrams site. The consumer is also responsible for additional taxes or duties that may occur when importing and receiving the products in their country.

For any queries or concerns, email us at: care@nutrigrams.com